Fostering uk requirements

Can I become a foster parent?

Whether you’re single, married or have a family of your own, there’s a place for you to grow and thrive with us.  

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What are the fostering requirements in the UK?

If you’re thinking of becoming a foster parent, there are only a few initial requirements when applying to foster.

To foster in the UK, you must:

  • be over the age of 21
  • have the right to live and work in the UK
  • have a spare bedroom in your house for a child to call their own
  • be committed to making a difference to a child in care

And that’s it! If you fit the above criteria, we’d love for you to get in touch with our friendly team to register your interest. After that, one of our fostering advisors will call you at a convenient time to answer any of your questions and get to know more about you, your family, and your personal qualities.

Common misconceptions about who can foster

You CAN foster if...

  • You’re renting your home  
  • You’re LGBTIQA+
  • You have pets
  • You’re retired 
  • You’re a single person
  • You haven’t raised children
  • You haven’t had experience of working with children before 

What personal qualities should a foster parent have?

Qualities we look for in our potential foster parents include:

  • The ability to provide a child with a stable, loving home
  • A full, compassionate heart which is ready to welcome a new child into the family 
  • Patience, empathy and the ability to be a great role model
  • Dedication and commitment to helping change the lives of young people

You don’t need to have prior experience to foster. Having the right qualities is much more important. We provide the extra support and expert training tailored to you, so you can step into fostering with confidence.

Start your fostering journey here

Download our brochure and discover everything you need to know about fostering with Orange Grove.

What makes a great foster parent?

Your current skills, experiences and personal qualities could mean that you’re already a great fit to become a foster parent. Let’s take a look at some things to consider when deciding if fostering is right for you, and what you could offer to a child in need of a safe home.

Home sweet home

It’s important that your home is a safe and clean place to welcome a child. Any child in your care should have a room of their own which is always available to them; for example, if you have an older child living away at university and choose to foster, they would not be able to use their old bedroom over the holidays.

Experience with children

If you have your own children or have worked with children in a professional or voluntary setting, this is a great indicator that you likely already have many of the key parenting skills required to become an excellent foster parent. 

At Orange Grove, we understand the importance of taking care of the needs of every member of your fostering family. Because of this, we put lots of time and resources into supporting the wellbeing of your own children. We do this by offering tailored support, including support groups and online resources specially designed for children who foster.

A strong support network

Every foster parent needs a support network to lean on when times get hard, whether it be family members, friends, or other foster parents who you’ll get to know through our foster parent buddy scheme, regular support groups and local events. You’ll also be able to rely upon your local team, including your designated social worker and a family support worker. We encourage you to reach out to us day or night by calling our 24/7 helpline. 

You’re also welcome to invite your support network along on training sessions, so that everyone in your life can get a better understanding of how best to support you, your family, and the child in your care.

Being a team player

One important role of a foster parent is the ability to champion and advocate for the needs of the child in your care. You’ll also need to be prepared to work closely with others involved in ensuring the child in your care has the best outcomes possible, including other care professionals, your social worker, and your child’s school.

Depending on the circumstances, you may also work with therapists or members of the child's birth family. While this can sometimes be challenging, it’s important to form respectful and professional relationships with family members to help maintain those vital connections whenever possible.

Health and wellbeing

We welcome foster parents who have underlying health conditions, disabilities, or mental health diagnoses. None of these lived experiences are necessarily an obstacle to becoming a foster parent. 

However, it’s important that your circumstances won’t affect your ability to look after a young person safely, and that you’ll have enough energy, both physical and emotional, to fulfil their needs and ensure that fostering won’t put a strain on your own wellbeing. 

Financial stability

You’ll receive a generous allowance from us while a child is in your care, designed to recognise your professionalism and commitment. We also offer other benefits, such as allowances for birthdays and religious festivals, discounts, and two weeks of paid respite.

As a foster parent, you may experience short periods where you’re not receiving an income from fostering due to not having a child living with you. However, with a dedicated referrals team, you can trust that as soon as you’re ready to welcome a child into your home, our expert team will be working hard to match you with children who will be a great fit to join your family. 

Our referrals team screen hundreds of referrals each day, meaning there is never a shortage of potential matches. 

Criteria for fostering

Why choose Orange Grove?

At Orange Grove, we’re all about ensuring that every member of your family, including your own children, grandchildren, foster children and you, has a rewarding and enjoyable fostering experience. We care deeply about supporting the wellbeing of every member of your family, and will tailor our support to fit your needs.

Other benefits of fostering with Orange Grove include:

  • Over 25 years of experience in helping children in care and their foster families
  • Support from a dedicated social worker and a family support worker
  • An in-house education expert who’ll help you in supporting the child in your care to get the best out of their education
  • Expert training tailored to your needs, plus a catalogue of specialist courses too
  • A flexible assessment process designed to work around your busy life
  • Around-the-clock support via our 24/7 helpline

Do you think fostering could be the right choice for you? We invite you to join us on this wonderful journey to providing safety and security for young people in the UK. Contact us today to begin your journey to fostering by filling in our online enquiry form, or give us a call for a confidential chat on 0800 369 8513.

Frequently asked questions

What are the foster care bedroom requirements?

The minimum requirement for a foster child's bedroom is that it’s safe, secure, well-maintained and that it's always available for a child in your care. For example, if you have children living away at university, there must be another bedroom for them to come to over the holidays.

Ideally, the space should be sufficient to accommodate a single bed, desk, and chest of drawers or wardrobe. However, if you're unsure, please speak to our team for advice.

What disqualifies you from being a foster parent?

There are several factors that can prevent you from becoming a foster parent. These include not meeting the initial foster care requirements, such as being over 21 years old, having a spare bedroom, or having the legal right to live in the UK. Additionally, certain criminal convictions, particularly those of a sexual nature, are disqualifying.

We'll also need to consider other factors that may affect your ability to provide a stable home and meet a young person's needs including physical or mental health conditions.

However, we recommend having a confidential chat with one of our fostering advisors, who can offer personalised advice regarding your situation.

Is there an age limit for foster parents?

No, there's no upper age limit to foster. You simply need to be fit and healthy enough to meet a child's needs.

How much could I earn as a foster parent?

The amount of fostering allowance you could receive depends upon several factors, including your level of fostering experience, how many children you foster, the age of those children, whether or not they are related and any additional needs they may have. 

Want to learn more about how much you could receive as an Orange Grove foster parent? Try our Foster Care Allowance Calculator.

How long does it take to become a foster parent?

In most instances, it will take between 4-6 months until you’re approved as a foster parent. This allows us time to get to know you and your family by conducting home visits, time for you to complete your ‘Prepare to Foster’ training, and time for the necessary checks to be completed. 

Learn more about the process of becoming a foster parent.

What checks do I need to go through to become a foster parent?

During your fostering assessment, there will be a number of background checks that we’ll need to complete to make sure you’re suitable for fostering. These include:

  • An advanced DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) 
  • Local authority checks
  • A medical assessment
  • Health and safety checks on your home
  • A pet assessment
  • A financial assessment

Anyone living in your home over the age of 18 will also be required to complete an advanced DBS check. Learn more about the different checks required to become a foster parent.

Foster care bedroom

Bedroom requirements

You will need a spare bedroom that's always available to a child to be able to foster and not shared with another child.

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male foster carer with foster child

Single foster parents

You can be single and foster, as well as be a single parent. There are some extra things for you to consider though.

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Age limit for fostering

Age requirements

The only age requirement to foster is that you're over 21 years old, and there's no upper age limit.

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lgbt foster carers

LGBTQIA+ foster parents

We have lots of foster parents from the LGBTQIA+ community, who are doing an extraordinary job. Join our team!

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Working and fostering

It's possible to work and foster, however it completely depends on your personal circumstances.

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Mental health

Having a mental health condition is not necessarily a barrier to fostering as long as you can offer a stable, secure home.

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Do you need experience to foster a child

No experience required

You don't need previous experience to foster, either professionally or personally, although it can be beneficial.

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Fostering with disabilities

Fostering with a disability

It's possible to foster with a disability - we'll just need to assess whether you'll be able to meet a child's needs.

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Whether you’re ready to start your journey or just want to chat to an expert, we're here to talk.

Please make sure you read our terms and conditions because you're agreeing to them by submitting an enquiry. It's also worth reading our privacy policy and cookies policy so you understand how we collect and use your personal data.

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0800 369 8513

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